Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Well, I just went into a computer service store and tried to have my external hard drive formmated and have my data recovered. That's not going to happen. The mechanizms inside aren't working right. And the closest place to send it to get fixed it Toronto. And just take a wild guess on how much it would be. Go on take a wild guess. $1000.00. Yeah, not going to happen, no matter how much I want my shit back. So now I'm screwed.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Melt Down!

Well I just had a total melt down last week. My external hard drive just totally crashed, first it said that it needed to be formated, and if you do that then you loose all of you data, and now it won't show up on any computer I try plugging it into. Yes, before you ask it is a Passport by Western Digital. I have to go buy a whole new external, take both to a computer store and see if they can recover all of my data and transfer it to the new one, and return the old one to where I bought it. Thank God I still have the reciptet I bough it for like $120.00.
Now sure, I had music and photos on there, not to mention my resume, but I also had a story that I was writing for publication, which let me tell you was well over 150 pages of point twelve font and no spaces between the paragraphs. And I was more pissed off about loosing my writing than anything else.  So forgive me guys for not updating my story online, because that one was also on there, but I'm doing the best I can. ={